In running a business, competition is inevitable and striving to survive against the harsh business environment is empowering your business decisions and ideas. Competition is a healthy way to raise the quality of products and services for the customers. Still, when it becomes unfair, it affects not only the other business owners but also the customers.

Unfair competition in commercial law is the act of using a deceptive business practice that harms the economic relationship of other sellers and consumers. It happens when a company use illegal or immoral actions in silence to destroy the reputation of the other company. It can be in the form of spreading false rumours about your product, using substandard materials to lower cost, selling of counterfeit products or employing a child and illegal workers to save from salaries expense.

Many large multinational companies, especially in the telecom and retail industry, are slowly refusing to accept the service of third-world countries that perpetuates child labor and slave labor contracts. The demand for fair competition calls for the restoration of ethical business practices that stems to high regard of the human lives, nature and culture.

Nowadays, companies suffer huge losses from the damage to their business, reputation and market shares. In effect, instead of allowing this kind of competition, more business owners want to set a fair playing field in the market by hiring a private investigator to look upon on their unfair business practices and call the attention of the authorities to charge appropriate charges to them.

With that, we can lend our service by conducting intensive surveillance of their business operations, and document spotted irregularities observed by our expert private investigators. When we figure it out, we create reports that would tell their illegal activities, and it would equitably benefit your company.