People went missing either by will or by an unfortunate event. Some people went to hiding to evade from their accountabilities such as debt, crime and irresponsibility. Meanwhile, some may go missing due to circumstances that are beyond their control. They may be abducted by ill-intentioned persons, lost by spiteful times or forgotten due to a traumatic event.

For missing persons who went missing by will, we ask our clients about the severity of their claims and how important it is to locate their existence. It usually happens when a person fled from their liabilities and will only show up when the statutes of limits have expired. On other cases, they want to track a missing person to speed up the police investigation that involves criminal offenses and to make them accountable for the damage they have done either personally or professionally.

On the other hand, some clients want to track down their lost family member because they want to reconnect with them due to unfortunate events in their life. Some of the common cases involve searching for their biological parents who wish to have a proper closure about their existence or searching for their lost child due to kidnapping.

Whatever their reasons are, we help them know the location of that person by employing our advanced technology and coordinated search team across the globe. There are specific online databases that are only available to license private investigators. From criminal records to credit reports, private investigators can access a multitude of databases at once to find valuable information on missing persons last know whereabouts.

Moreover, we search for information thoroughly, and that involves finding information beyond social media. With our skilled and tech-savvy detective, we can track recent searches and internet activities of a missing person through coordinated systems of command and advanced use of technology. Even if a lost person has little to no social media activities, a seasoned private investigator can use different software to trace contacts of interest and monitor their movements.

In today’s age, people rarely disappear without leaving imprints of their departure. Usually, some eyewitnesses can give serve as the missing link to our search. As private investigators, we have to search and screen the witnesses who can speed up the investigation. We interview the witnesses involved and trace their contacts to find out the location of the missing person.